New Life
by Rev Donna Baranyay
Easter is a holiday in which new life, new beginnings are celebrated. Christianity celebrates the resurrection of Christ signifying eternal life and triumph over physical death. Prior to Christianity, pagans celebrated the goddess Ēostre, or Ostara, during the spring equinox. There was a festival in her honor. Ostara was known as the goddess of dawn and light. She was also considered the goddess of fertility. During this festival, pagans celebrated the ending of winter, new life that was being brought forth in the spring, and their gratitude for having survived the harsh winter and the new beginnings before them.
I feel called to reflect on the new beginnings, new life that Easter represents. Many of us, myself included, have experienced the dark winter of hibernation, of going within in the quietness of life, slowing down, and time of reflection. Leading up to Easter, we are invited to spend time in reflection, contemplation, and prayer. We are preparing for spring, rebirth, new life, and new beginnings. What is calling to our hearts? What is it that we feel called to explore, create, and experience in our lives? We are transformed in the midst of Easter as we shed (let go of) that which no longer serves us. We have the opportunity to embrace and embody that which we feel called. Good Friday represents the sad, dark, bitter trials of our lives while Easter represents the goodness, the re-birth of Life Itself. In Christianity, Jesus triumphed over physical death and taught us of eternal life, in pagan faith tradition we realize nature is reminding us of the beauty of nature and the important part that seasons play in our world. The seasons remind us that nothing is permanent, all things cycle and change in life. One season is not better than the other and each season shares its own unique gift with the world. When something dies something new is birthed in its place. For example, the leaves are released from trees in winter and new leaves sprout on the tree in the spring. As we let go of something it allows for something new to be birthed in its place. If I release an idea of lack or limitation, I am opening my mind to allow in thoughts of abundance, prosperity, and/or other God Qualities to abound and flow out into my life experiences.
In metaphysics we teach the eternality of life, that life is ever evolving at the top and of the importance of us remaining “open at the top” as well. By remaining open we are receptive to new ideas, new choices, and new experiences. We are transformed and re-born every spring as “we wake up and remember who we are” – individualized expressions of God in action. New beginnings, new life is before us. It is up to us as to the choices we make, the attitude that we engage with in life, and the willingness we must have to be receptive to something new, adventurous, and exciting to unfold as us, as Spirit in action. We are transformed by the renewing of our minds. Metaphysically this means to allow the Higher Idea within us to be express through us and out into the world in form. Say yes to Life! Allow the transformation of new beginning to unfold in your life. For me, I am saying Yes with open arms, an open heart, and an open mind. I am doing so in joy and gratitude. Spirit’s invitation is present- are you willing to accept it?